1,047 research outputs found

    El valor dels interiors de l'arquitectura privada del segle XIX a Vilanova i la Geltrú

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    Vilanova i la Geltrú acull un patrimoni vuitcentista residencial excepcional. Les cases que bastiren, en primer lloc, les famílies benestants vinculades a la plantació de vinyes i, anys més tard, a mitjans del segle XIX, els empresaris i els comerciants enriquits amb el comerç d’ultramar, conformen un conjunt arquitectònic homogeni que testimonia els moments de bonança econòmica de la ciutat. A més, constitueixen un llegat arquitectònic que ens permet copsar les característiques i els trets significatius de l’arquitectura d’aquells moments i posar-la en valor davant l’arquitectura fi de segle

    Swear words among young learners: A case study of the elementary students

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    This case study examines the usage of swear words among young learners. It aims to find out the most frequently used swear words, the intense emotions that triggered the participants to swear, the strategies used to tone down the swear words, and the contributors to learning how to swear. A combination of quantitative (Likert scale survey, open-ended survey, and data elicitation from drawings,) and qualitative (interview) studies was conducted among the 109 elementary students from school A. The findings revealed that the most frequently used swear words were related to intellectual based terms and religion; anger was the primary reason for the young learners to swear to someone; the use of acronyms was commonly explored to tone down the offensiveness of the swear words, and moms were the highest contributors for the young learners to learn how to swear. Despite the limitations of the data elicitation, the instrument offered a richer data in comparison with the two other quantitative instruments (Likert scale survey and open-ended survey). It did not only present the emotions, toning down strategies, contributors, categories and variations but it also revealed the locations and situational instances where the swear words were used. Interview, on the other hand, was valuable to support the qualitative findings related to emotions and reasons for toning down strategies whereas other findings can be quantified using the frequencies presented in the quantitative instruments. Moreover, the findings also discovered that some swear words under study such as OMG, Oh my God, or gosh were not considered as swear words since they were mainstream words in this particular study

    Swear Words Among Young Learners: a Case Study of the Elementary Students

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    This case study examines the USAge of swear words among young learners. It aims to find out the most frequently used swear words, the intense emotions that triggered the participants to swear, the strategies used to tone down the swear words, and the contributors to learning how to swear. A combination of quantitative (Likert scale survey, open-ended survey, and data elicitation from drawings,) and qualitative (interview) studies was conducted among the 109 elementary students from school A. The findings revealed that the most frequently used swear words were related to intellectual based terms and religion; anger was the primary reason for the young learners to swear to someone; the use of acronyms was commonly explored to tone down the offensiveness of the swear words, and moms were the highest contributors for the young learners to learn how to swear. Despite the limitations of the data elicitation, the instrument offered a richer data in comparison with the two other quantitative instruments (Likert scale survey and open-ended survey). It did not only present the emotions, toning down strategies, contributors, categories and variations but it also revealed the locations and situational instances where the swear words were used. Interview, on the other hand, was valuable to support the qualitative findings related to emotions and reasons for toning down strategies whereas other findings can be quantified using the frequencies presented in the quantitative instruments. Moreover, the findings also discovered that some swear words under study such as OMG, Oh my God, or gosh were not considered as swear words since they were mainstream words in this particular study

    Formació permanent del professorat d'Educació Infantil

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    Anàlisi dels grafits de sa cova des Pirata i de sa cova des Pont

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    [cat] A través de l’anàlisi d’algunes de les nombroses inscripcions que hi ha a l’interior de sa Cova des Pirata i de sa Cova des Pont (Manacor), es pot seguir la pista de la gent que entre finals del segle XIX i principis del segle XX es va atrevir a entrar en un món desconegut fins aleshores com eren les coves. L’inici de les visites guiades i el fàcil accés va fer que aquestes cavitats poguessin ésser visitades per tota classe de gent, i que aquesta hi pogués deixar la seva empremta a manera de grafit.[eng] Following the analysis of some of the numerous inscriptions that there are inside Coves del Pirata and the Cova des Pont (Manacor), it is possible to trace the people who between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th dared to enter in the relatively unknown world of caves. The beginning of guided visits and their ease of access meant that these caves began to be visited by all kinds of people, who left their mark in the form of graffiti

    Encaminhamento inter-domínio com qualidade de serviço

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    Para dotar o encaminhamento Inter-domínio, baseado no BGP, da capacidade de determinar caminhos dependendo dos requisitos de Qualidade de Serviço do tráfego fim a fim, torna-se fundamental incorporar métricas de QoS nas mensagens BGP trocadas entre os Routers Fronteira dos Sistemas Autónomos (AS). Esta proposta apresenta a implementação de uma estratégia de encaminhamento Inter-domínio com QoS (riQoS), desenvolvida sobre uma extensão BGP ao NS2 (ns-BGP). O riQoS estende os atributos do BGP e utiliza as mensagens UPDATE para divulgar informações de QoS entre os vários Routers Fronteira dos ASs. Para isso, o riQoS implementa alterações nos processos de comparação de rotas e de decisão do BGP tendo em conta a Largura de Banda e o Atraso em cada um dos Routers e ligações entre si. Em vez de utilizar métricas determinísticas, o BGP anuncia as informações através de métricas com significado estatístico: Available Bandwidth Index (ABI) e Delay Index (DelayI) [1], que permitem estimar os valores instantâneos da Largura de Banda disponível e do Atraso fim a fim

    Design and implementation of a hierarchical SIP-based peer-to-peer network

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    Peer-to-peer (P2P) has gained popularity in Internet due to the increased number of users and distributed services such as file sharing and voice calls over IP (VoIP). Currently, the most popular P2P networks store information pertaining to its resources in a distributed manner using Distributed Hash Tables (DHT). In this type of networks, the peers are deterministically positioned and resources are also allocated to each peer for indexing in a deterministic manner. This paper presents a new hierarchical SIP based P2P network. A pure SIP solution was used because we believe that an open solution such as SIP can facilitate the creation of new types of services and permit the facilitated integration of different services. A two level hierarchy is used and is aimed towards the improvement of network efficiency where peers can move dynamically from one layer to another according to its available resources. In addition to this, the proposed implementation architecture allows the independence of the underlying DHT algorithms. The proposed architecture was implemented and tested in a realistic scenario which was created inside a Linux cluster. The DHT algorithms, Chord and EpiChord, were also implemented and used to index resources in either flat or hierarchical networks. Results indicate that the proposed two-layer hierarchy significantly improves the P2P overlay performance while in the presence of peers with limitations.(undefined

    Solução aberta para uma rede de sondas de QoS na RCTS

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    A RCTS tem em operação, desde há vários anos, um conjunto de sondas do tipo appliance destinadas a aferir de forma contínua a qualidade da rede, tanto em IPv4 como IPv6. Normalmente, pelo facto de serem appliances, consequentemente “fechadas”, cria-se uma dependêndia de hardware e software. Apesar das appliances possuírem algumas características únicas ao nível de hardware, podem desenvolver-se soluções abertas (open source) equiparadas. Na realidade, vários sistemas de aferição de desempenho de redes, desenvolvidos em open source, tanto na GÉANT (rede académica europeia) como na Internet2 (rede académica americana), atingiram uma notoriedade que permite considerá-los como alternativas credíveis para as atuais sondas, se se provar a sua maturidade e estabilidade. Neste trabalho apresenta-se o desenvolvimento e teste de uma especificação de uma nova sonda para a RCTS, baseada em soluções open source.FEDER, através do Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade - COMPETE - e por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, através do Projecto: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-02267

    Design and evaluation of a multi-class based multicast routing protocol

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    Serie : Lecture notes in computer science, ISSN 0302-9743 ; vol. 5200Most of current multicast QoS routing proposals are based on the principle that QoS routes must be computed for each request, where requests explicitly express their resource requirements. As a result, within this environment, the goal of QoS routing is to satisfy individual request requirements, resorting to resource reservation to maintain those requirements after a feasible path has been found. This type of strategy is suited within the IntServ model but does not seem adequate in presence of DiffServ networks. According to DiffServ model, traffic flows are aggregated into specific classes-of-service and each flow receives a specific treatment accordingly to its class-of-service. There are no per flow guarantees, only per class differentiation. In this environment instead of per flow path computation, per class path calculation should be made, and so, within multicast scenarios, multiple multicast trees must be computed in order to satisfy different QoS requirements of different traffic classes. This paper presents a new multicast routing protocol enabling per class multicast tree computation. The proposed heuristics enable directed trees establishment, instead of reverse path ones, due to the importance of link asymmetry within an environment which is, essentially, unidirectional. The proposed protocol is implemented and simulated using Network Simulator. A set of simulation results are presented, analyzed and compared against PIM-SM, a widely deployed multicast routing protocol